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1-10 of 20 results

  • Grabbing in the education sector

    The chapter focusses on multiple forms of grabbing in the education sector of developing countries, drawing on cases and research she has engaged with while working to support developing countries' education systems. The discussion of grabbing...

    Poisson, Muriel

    Edward Elgar, 2014

  • Corruption, grabbing and development

    All societies develop their own norms about what is fair behaviour and what is not. Violations of these norms, including acts of corruption, can collectively be described as forms of `grabbing'. This unique volume addresses how grabbing hinders...

    Søreide, Tina, Williams, Aled

    Cheltenham (UK), Edward Elgar, 2014

  • How corruption puts higher education at risk

    Global attention begin in the 1990s with definitions and questions as to how common education corruption was; it then expanded to include the differences from one to another region, ranging from financial corruption and student plagiarism to sexual...

    Heyneman, Stephen P.


  • Publishing government contracts: addressing concerns and easing implementation

    Government contracts regarding the use of public property and finances should be published by default. Many jurisdictions already require that contracts be made public in response to requests for the information; some now publish contracts...

    Center for Global Development (USA)

    Washington, D.C., Center for Global Development (USA), 2014

  • Incentives and accountability in education: a literature review

    This literature review was carried out under an EdData II task order that funds measurement and research support to USAID's Education Strategy Goal 1, 100 million children reading by 2015. It summarizes evidence on incentive and accountability...

    USA. Agency for International Development

    Washington, D.C., USAID, 2014

  • Promouvoir la responsabilité par l’information : la contribution des données ouvertes sur les écoles


    Six études de cas menées en Asie et dans le Pacifique analysent la manière dont les données ouvertes sur les écoles peuvent améliorer la transparence et la responsabilité au sein des systèmes éducatifs.

  • Newspaper

    La police enquête sur des allégations de fraude chez 3aaa Apprenticeships


    Rupert Neate - University World News

    Le cabinet de formation 3aaa Apprenticeships, financé sur fonds publics, vient d’être placé sous administration judiciaire, le ministère de l’Éducation ayant suspendu tous ses versements à la suite de l’enquête pour fraude engagée par la police. Les 4 500 apprentis inscrits ignorent ce qu’il va advenir d’eux. L’an dernier, le ministère a attribué plus de 31 millions de livres sterling au cabinet pour financer des stages et des formations pour adultes.

  • Corruption and public spending on education and health

    Existing country and regional studies show that the effect of corruption on public spending on health and education is mixed. This letter reveals that the effect of corruption on health and education spending is significant and non-linear in a panel...

    Swaleheen, Mushfiq, Sami, Mohamed, Temimi, Akram


  • Gouvernement ouvert dans l’éducation : quel rôle pour les citoyens ?


    La participation citoyenne fait désormais partie intégrante des programmes nationaux et internationaux de lutte contre la corruption.

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