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1-10 of 13 results

  • Newspaper

    Faites-vous confiance aux références de vos employés?

    Kenya, Tanzanie RU, Ouganda, Afrique du Sud, Nigéria, Royaume Uni , Etats-Unis


    Wachira Kigotho - The East African Standard

    On a découvert que des personnes au Kenya, en Tanzanie et en Ouganda achetaient de faux diplômes provenant de toutes sortes d'usines à diplômes et autres fausses universités. Ces universités n'ont pas d'existence physique et fonctionnent seulement à travers des sites web. La plupart des usines à diplômes opèrent depuis la Grande Bretagne ou les Etats-Unis où les normes universitaires sont sensées être très élevées. Récemment, le Bureau fédéral d'investigations à dressé une liste de plus de 10 000 personnes ayant obtenu de faux diplômes provenant d'universités bidons établies aux Etats-Unis. Un nombre significatif d'entre eux provient d'Afrique du Sud, du Kenya et du Nigeria. Actuellement, il y a environ 80 usines à diplômes connues qui opèrent depuis les Etats-Unis et la Grande Bretagne.

  • Governance in education: transparency and accountability

    This book presents an international review of initiatives aimed at improving transparency and accountability in the management of education in a variety of domains, including: education financing, teacher appointment and transfer, teacher conduct...

    Hallak, Jacques, Poisson, Muriel

    Paris, UNESCO, 2006

  • The Global corruption report 2004

    The Global Corruption Report provides an overview of the state of corruption around the world in 2004. It covers national and international developments, institutional and legal changes and activities within both the private sector and civil society...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International , 2004

  • Teaching integrity to youth: examples from 11 countries

    This toolkit from Transparency International, published in December 2004, includes examples of youth education experiences from 11 countries. Education is central to preventing corruption, and thus young people, as the potential leaders of tomorrow...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International, 2004

  • Corruption and the education sector

    This paper discusses reasons why national education systems are particularly vulnerable to pervasive corruption, forms that corruption takes within the education sector, and interventions that have been suggested for reducing corruption. It argues...

    Chapman, David

    Washington D.C., MSI, 2002

  • Anticorruption strategy for DFID

    This DFID policy paper investigates the causes and effects of corruption on the development process and proposes a holistic global strategy for combating corruption involving action in a number of area. These include: supporting poorer states...

    UK. Dept for International Development

    Bergen, Utstein Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, 2002

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