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71-80 of 81 results

  • Managing corruption in higher education in Moldova

    The Ministry of Education and Youth (MET) has recently become more active in addressing academic corruption, and on January 18, 2007, an action plan to prevent and combat corruption in the education system was authorized in collaboration with the...

    Valentino, Vanessa


  • Resetear la sociedad: ideas de los jóvenes sobre la corrupción

    Esta publicación desarrolla un completo diagnóstico cuali-cuantitativo sobre las ideas de los jóvenes acerca de la corrupción, los valores ciudadanos y la ética pública. La investigación fue realizada en escuelas secundarias, en el marco de un...

    Gamallo, Gustavo, Baragli, Néstor

    Buenos Aires, Oficina Anticorrupción, 2007

  • Report on the civil society participation in Textbook Count 3 Makati City

    For the third time, G-Watch of the Ateneo School of Government served as the national coordinator for the civil society participation in the Textbook Count: National Textbook Delivery Program. With support from the Partnership for Transparency Fund...

    Government Watch, Ateneo School of Government (Philippines)

    Makati (Philippines), ASoG, 2006

  • Teaching integrity to youth: examples from 11 countries

    This toolkit from Transparency International, published in December 2004, includes examples of youth education experiences from 11 countries. Education is central to preventing corruption, and thus young people, as the potential leaders of tomorrow...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International, 2004

  • Newspaper

    Les parties prenantes associées à la lutte contre la culture de la fraude aux examens »



    Juliana Taiwo - This Day

    Manifestement inquiet des conséquences des différents niveaux d'éducation dans le pays et des effets connexes des pratiques frauduleuses aux examens et de cette culture de la fraude sur la jeunesse nigériane et sur le développement national, le ministère fédéral de l'Éducation, en collaboration avec Exam Ethics Project (EEP), organisation éducative non gouvernementale, a organisé la semaine dernière deux journées de rencontre avec les parties prenantes de l'éducation.

  • Corruption in education in Belarus

    This document is Olia Yatskevich's presentation at the Students' Forum "Can we educate the youth without the involvement of corruption?" at the tenth IACC. Corruption, especially bribery, is a widespread phenomenon in Belarusian universities. One...

    Yatskevich, Olia

    Prague, Transparency International Czech Republic; IACC Council, 2001

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