Report on the civil society participation in Textbook Count 3 Makati City

Auteur(s) : Government Watch, Ateneo School of Government (Philippines)

Organisation : Government Watch, Ateneo School of Government (Philippines)

Editeur : Makati (Philippines), ASoG, 2006

Pages :

34 p.

For the third time, G-Watch of the Ateneo School of Government served as the national coordinator for the civil society participation in the Textbook Count: National Textbook Delivery Program. With support from the Partnership for Transparency Fund, G-Watch implemented the Textbook Count 3 activities from April 2005 to June 2006.

A Consortium of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) signed a Commitment of Support and Cooperation with the Department of Education to formalize the engagement. The consortium has 34 enlisted members. The Coca-Cola and KAAKBAY-CDI signed separate Memoranda of Agreement.

The civil society and private sector helped in monitoring the bidding, production, delivery, and onward distribution from the districts to elementary schools.


  • Redevabilité, Stratégies de lutte contre la corruption, Contrôle, Société civile, Codes de conduite, Secteur des entreprises, Corruption, Gestion de l'éducation, Administration centrale, Administration locale, Organisations non gouvernementales, Marchés publics, Elèves/étudiants , Manuels et matériaux pédagogiques, Transparence, Jeunesse, Primary education
  • Asie et Pacifique