Blog post

Anti Corruption: implementing curriculum change in management education


Muriel Poisson

is the task manager of the IIEP’s project on Ethics and Corruption in Education.

Is there a need for an anti-corruption curriculum in management education? How can guidelines for ethics and anti-corruption education be implemented in various classroom settings, ranging from undergraduate to executive education programmes?

Answers to these questions can be found in the new Greenleaf Publication “Anti-Corruption: Implementing Curriculum Change in Management Education” in the UN PRME Series on responsible management education. It examines the ideas of the Principle Management Education (PRME) Working Group on Anti-Corruption which aims to promote ethically and socially responsible management education and effective learning experiences for responsible leadership. Their key values and principles are summarized in an anti-corruption toolkit. This toolkit represents a teaching resource collecting pilot projects, progress reports, best practices and sample material for implementation in the curriculums of business schools. The main goal is to make available a modern anti-corruption curriculum and to ensure ongoing improvement in the field. Written by a leading team of experts from the PRME Working Group, the book presents sample curricula, and illustrative case studies and offers clear hands-on recommendations.

Anti-corruption education plays an important role in today’s fight against corruption. Because corruption is seen as inevitable in many countries, it is important to underscore the fact that corruption can be combatted through strengthening public awareness and participation. By promoting key values and attitudes that resist illegal behaviors, anti-corruption education empowers local actors to actively tackle corruption.

The book, published in September 2015, underlines the importance of anti-corruption education for future generations of leaders and managers. Finally, it emphasizes possible benefits like capacity-building processes, rising awareness of integrity, and increasing compliance standards. The PRME’s anti-corruption toolkit can be accessed here.

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