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1-10 of 14 results

  • Newspaper

    Enfrentándose a problemas de plagio en las universidades



    Munyaradzi Makoni - University World News

    Un estudio reciente reveló que varias formas de plagio se han proliferado en universidades del país. El caso Mozambique sugiere la necesidad de una estrategia holística por instituciones educativas para enseñar y fomentar la ética profesional y desalentar el fraude académico. Eliminar la deshonestidad académica sólo será posible si sus administradores, profesores y estudiantes trabajan juntos para construir medidas fuertes para combatir plagios generalizados, que están obstaculizando la producción de graduados de calidad.

  • Corruption in Vietnamese higher education

    More than two decades have passed since Vietnam began the transition to a market economy. The policy of Doi Moi, generally translated as economic renovation, has fostered major changes in social and economic institutions and highly improved...

    Mc Cornac, Dennis C.


  • Parental human capital and effective school management: evidence from The Gambia

    Education systems in developing countries are often centrally managed in a top-down structure. In environments where schools have different needs and where localized information plays an important role, empowerment of the local community may be...

    Blimpo, Moussa Pouguinimpo, Evans, David, Lahire, Nathalie

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2015

  • National survey on users of public services and public administrators on the impact of anti-corruption activities: the case of the South West region

    This document presents the result of a survey undertaken by the National Anti-Corruption Coalition on the impact of anti-corruption activities in public service instititutions and local government councils in South West Region of Cameroon. The report...

    International Governance Institute-Focal Integrity Team for Cameroon

    Buea (Cameroon), IGI-FITCAM, 2015

  • La Tricherie en milieu scolaire en Afrique: quels enjeux?

    Le problème de la crise éthique touche le monde entier. En raison de cet état, et compte tenu des missions assignées aux systèmes éducatifs dont celle qui consiste à contribuer à la formation des citoyens respectueux de l'intérêt général et du bien...

    Bipoupout, Jean Calvin

    Paris, L'Harmattan, 2015

  • Government favouritism in Europe

    This volume reunites the fieldwork of 2014-2015 in the ANTICORRP project. It is entirely based on objective indicators and offers both quantitative and qualitative assessments of the linkage between political corruption and organised crime using...

    Mungiu-Pippidi, Alina

    Opladen, Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2015

  • Manual on integrity planning and integrity management

    This Manual provides a brief overview of the key principles and concepts of integrity risk management and integrity planning, and highlights the process of planning, developing, implementing, monitoring and reviewing integrity plans. Moreover, it is...

    Minkova, Milena

    Pristina, UNDP, 2015

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