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1-10 of 128 results

  • Report card survey on the textbook crisis of the secondary school students

    A current crisis in the publication of textbooks for secondary school level education reflects what happens often in the education sector in Bangladesh. Only one publishing house was designated the task of publishing textbooks for the secondary...

    Transparency International (Bangladesh)

    Dhaka, Transparency International Bangladesh , 2001

  • Corruption in the Lithuanian higher schools

    This paper examines the high incidence of corruption in Lithuanian schools. In January 2001, an article was published in a prominent Lithuanian newspaper exposing bribery at the Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education. The case received media...

    Nedzinskas, Nerijus

    Prague, Transparency International Czech Republic, IACC Council, 2001

  • Corruption and its impact on education: a case in Omsk

    Bribery, through money, gifts, or exchange of favors, is common in the Omsk educational system. A student is obliged to pay 15000 Rubles for the 5th grade, 10000 Rubles for the 4th grade, and 5000 Rubles for the 3rd grade entering exams. A reform of...

    Fyedorova, Marina


  • Public Expenditure Tracking Survey in Education

    Mongolia has struggled throughout its transition to maintain the levels of education and literacy that were accomplishments of the previous centrally planned system. To cope with the new economic reality, the Government of Mongolia implemented a...

    World Bank, 2001

  • Women and Minorities as Educational Change Agents

    The "Women and Minorities as Educational Change Agents" is one of the eleven sub-projects of the "Special University Linkage Consolidation Program" in China, named "Women and Minorities as Educational Change Agents", which includes an ethical...

    Canadian International Development Agency


  • Newspaper

    Se considera que la corrupción se está extendiendo en la educación

    Ghana, Polonia


    - Prague Conference News

    Ghana. Kazajistán. Polonia: En numerosos países los profesores tienen que recurrir al soborno para abrirse camino en los centro de formación del profesorado. Por otro lado, algunos cobran salarios por unas clases que en realidad no imparten; y cuando lo hacen, sobornan a los estudiantes a cambio de un aprobado en los exámenes. También es práctica común lo que se conoce como el "gran negocio de los libros de texto".

  • Newspaper

    Serbia expulsa a una escuela por enseñar corrupción



    Daniel Simpson - NY Times

    Diez semanas al frente del instituto de secundaria más rebelde de Belgrado terminó con la pasión de su directora por la educación. Solo unos pocos miembros del personal del centro estaban dispuestos a cooperar con ella para desarticular un sistema de sobornos a cambio de buenas notas. Cuando la policía sorprendió a un profesor de matemáticas aceptando un billete marcado de 50 euros de uno de los estudiantes y el problema salió a la luz pública, los profesores se rebelaron contra ella con un voto de censura a su autoridad.

  • The poor speak up: 17 stories of corruption

    This book is the result of an action research project carried out by the Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia and the World Bank. It sets out to understand from the poor the ways in which corruption intersects with their lives and how it...

    Hardjono, Ratih, Teggemann, Stefanie

    Jakarta, Partnership for Governance Reform, 2003

  • Quantitative Service Delivery Survey in Education

    The goal of this study is to quantify on a nationally representative scale the extent of teacher absenteeism in Bangladesh. Unannounced visits were made to government run primary schools and government-aided but privately run secondary schools to...

    World Bank, 2003

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