Corruption in the Lithuanian higher schools

Autor(es) : Nedzinskas, Nerijus

Editor : Prague, Transparency International Czech Republic, IACC Council, 2001

Paginación :

5 p.

Notas :

Incl. a table that charts public opinion about corruption in Lithuanian universities.

This paper examines the high incidence of corruption in Lithuanian schools. In January 2001, an article was published in a prominent Lithuanian newspaper exposing bribery at the Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education. The case received media attention, but is just one example of a common phenomenon, which is rarely the subject of public discussion. The high incidence of corruption, especially bribery, in Lithuanian schools is the result of: imperfect or nonexistent laws; no system of work control; broad autonomy of universities; and hierarchical structure of university. A new reform has been introduced to institute state entrance exams in Lithuanian universities. This will markedly improve the transparency of the admission system, but should be partnered with reforms such as a salary increase for professors, an adequate law system, and the creation of a special working group within the Special Investigations Service on corruption in universities.

  • Acceso a la información, Prensa, Admisión a la escuela/universidad, Estrategias de lucha contra la corrupción, Marco jurídico, Control, Corrupción, Sobornos, Gestión educacional, Administración de la universidad , Exámenes y diplomas, Transparencia, Personal universitario , Promoción del personal universitario , Secondary education
  • Europa