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1-7 of 7 results

  • Uganda's recovery: the role of farms, firms, and government

    In this chapter, Reinikka demonstrates that increasing public access to information has reduced inefficiency and corruption in Uganda. The survey from which her conclusions are drawn shows that budget allocations matter little when institutions are...

    Reinikka, Ritva, Collier, Paul

    Washington, World Bank, 2001

  • Newspaper

    Farmacéutica canaliza millones en patrocinio universitario



    - swissinfo.ch

    La independencia de universidades suizas del mundo corporativo, otra vez ha sido cuestionada, cuando información de tratos de patrocinios farmacéuticos fueron publicados por un canal televisivo de Suiza, SRF. El programa encontró evidencias de que una compañía pudo haber manipulado datos de una investigación académica. La investigación de SRF, demuestra vínculos financieros entre farmacéuticas gigantes y varias universidades importantes. La revelación más condenatoria es que un grupo demandó ver investigaciones cada tres meses y se reservó el derecho de hacer “modificaciones aceptables” a los resultados.

  • Progress in the fight against corruption in Asia and the Pacific

    This book assembles the papers presented during the joint ADB/OECD Conference on Combating Corruption in the Asian and Pacific region, held in Seoul, Korea in December 2000.The Seoul conference identified priorities for a successful fight against...

    Asian Development Bank

    Manila, ADB, 2001

  • Corruption in Kosovo: observations and implications for USAID

    As in all countries, corruption exists in Kosovo today. But, despite public opinion and discussions in the mass media that presume very high levels of public corruption, it does not appear to be a pervasive force in the governance process and does...

    Spector, Bertram I., Winbourne, Svetlana, Beck, Laurence D.

    Washington, MSI, 2003

  • Global corruption report 2003: Special focus: access to information

    The Global corruption report is the first attempt by any organization to map the global fight against corruption. The 2003 edition focuses on the need for greater access to information in the struggle against corruption. It explores how civil society...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, TI, 2003

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