Global corruption report 2003: Special focus: access to information
Organización : Transparency International
Editor : Berlin, TI, 2003
Paginación :
The Global corruption report is the first attempt by any organization to map the global fight against corruption. The 2003 edition focuses on the need for greater access to information in the struggle against corruption. It explores how civil society, the public and private sectors and the media use and control information to combat or conceal corruption. Covering worldwide corruption from July 2001 to June 2002, the report includes expert reports and features on access to information; an assessment of the state of corruption around the world in 16 regional reports; detailed explorations on national corruption topics from a local perspective; and a selection of the latest corruption related data and research.
- Acceso a la información, Prensa, Estrategias de lucha contra la corrupción, E-gobernabilidad, Marco jurídico, Sociedad civil, Sector empresarial, Corrupción, Herramientas de diagnóstico / Encuestas, Desarrollo económico y social, Gobernabilidad, Sector público, Investigación, Transparencia
África, América Latina y el Caribe, Estados árabes, Asia y Pacífico, Europa, International
Australia, Benin, Brasil, Cambodia, Camerún, China, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Ecuador, Indonesia, Japón, Letonia, Líbano, Papúa Nueva Guinea, Rumania, República de Sudáfrica, Trinidad y Tabago, Ucrania, Zambia