1-10 of 14 results

  • The Global corruption report 2005

    The 2005 Global Corruption Report focuses on corruption in construction and post-conflict reconstruction. It includes expert reports on: post-conflict reconstruction, with a detailed analysis of corruption in Iraq; the mechanisms of corruption in...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, TI, 2005

  • Anticorruption at the crossroads

    NGOs, development organizations, and governments alike now universally refer to corruption - no longer a taboo subject - as a developmental problem. As the awareness-raising phase of the 1990s subsides, the focus is shifting to implementation of...

    Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (Hungary)

    Budapest, LGI/OSI Budapest, 2004

  • Governance indicators, aid allocation, and the millennium challenge account

    There is widespread consensus that development assistance works best when it is targeted towards countries with relatively sound and/or improving policies and institutions. Recognizing this, bilateral and multilateral donors are increasingly trying...

    Kaufmann, Daniel, Kraay, Aart

    Washington, World Bank, 2002

  • The Global corruption report 2001

    The 2001 Global corruption report concentrates on events in the period July 2000 to June 2001. It is based on Transparency International's definition of corruption as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. This includes both public and...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International (TI), 2001

  • Empowering the victims of corruption through social control mechanisms

    For poor people at village level, petty corruption involving a payment of as little as $10 for a free medical service can have devastating effects on their lives. What makes the situation even worse is that most of the people who are faced with...

    Langseth, Petter

    Prague, UNODCCP, 2001

  • Value added of partnership in the fight against corruption

    The paper promotes an anti-corruption strategy that rests on economic development, democratic reform, strong civil society and the presence of rule of law. Based on these principles, the authors recommend concrete measures to be implemented at the...

    Langseth, Petter

    Vienna, UNODCCP, 2001

  • Anti-corruption measures in South-eastern Europe. Country reviews and priorities for reform

    The Stability Pact Anti-Corruption Initiative (SPAI), adopted in Sarajevo in February 2000, was born out of the conviction that corruption is a serious threat to the development and stability of South-eastern European countries. This publication...

    OECD. Stability pact Anti-corruption Initiative Steering Group

    Strasbourg (France), Council of Europe Publishing, 2001

  • No longer business as usual: fighting bribery and corruption

    Not so long ago, bribing public officials in foreign countries to obtain business deals was, if not an acceptable, at least a tolerated business practice in many OECD countries. In the new millenium, the OECD and associated governments, which account...


    Paris, OECD, 2000

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