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1-10 of 128 results

  • Newspaper

    Una escuela pierde acreditación

    Estados Unidos


    - The Chronicle of Higher Education/ World Education News & Reviews

    El centro de educación secundaria Compton perdió la acreditación de la Asociación Occidental de Escuelas y Colegios en junio. El organismo de acreditación regional citó, entre otras causas para revocar la revocación de la acreditación, la mala administración, la falta de planes de educación, la carencia de servicios de apoyo a los estudiantes y la existencia de un personal administrativo inadecuado. Ahora, el Estado se está haciendo cargo de la escuela, a pesar del sistema altamente descentralizado propio de California.

  • Uganda's recovery: the role of farms, firms, and government

    In this chapter, Reinikka demonstrates that increasing public access to information has reduced inefficiency and corruption in Uganda. The survey from which her conclusions are drawn shows that budget allocations matter little when institutions are...

    Reinikka, Ritva, Collier, Paul

    Washington, World Bank, 2001

  • How bad governance impedes poverty alleviation in Bangladesh

    In 1995/96, 47.5 percent of the population of Bangladesh were still living below the poverty line. This paper argues that the persistence of poverty in Bangladesh originates less in the lack of resources than in the failures of governance. These...

    Sobhan, Rehman

    Paris, OECD, 1998

  • Corruption and integrity improvement initiatives in developing countries

    This book offers the view of eminent thinkers and practitioners on how to reduce and eventually eliminate corruption. It shows that, while helpful, democracy is by no means a cure for corruption, nor is economic liberalisation a panacea for ending...

    UNDP. Management Development and Governance Division

    New York (N.Y.), UNDP, 1998

  • The Causes of corruption: a cross-national study

    Why is corruption - defined here as the misuse of public office for private gain - perceived to be more widespread in some countries than others? Different theories associate cross-national variation in the extent of corruption with particular...

    Treisman, Daniel


  • Corruption, public investment, and growth

    Corruption, particularly political or "grand corruption", distorts the entire decision-making process connected with public investment projects. The degree of distorsions is higher with weaker auditing institutions. The evidence presented shows that...

    Tanzi, Vito, Davoodi, Hamid

    Washington, IMF, 1997

  • Corruption and development: a study of conflict

    This paper discusses the relationship between corruption and economic development. It questions the view that, under certain conditions, corruption may enhance efficiency and argues that though corruption may benefit powerful individuals it will...

    Seyf, Ahmad


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