ETINED : Council of Europe Platform on Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education. Volume 4: Codes of conduct for teachers in Europe: a background study

Autor(es) : Golubeva, Maria ; Kanins, Valts

Organización : Council of Europe

Editor : Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 2016

Paginación :

46 p.

Based on the ethical principles identified in previous volumes of the ETINED series, this study provides an overview of the current situation in Europe regarding the use, implementation and impact of codes of conduct for school teachers. It proposes an in-depth analysis of the content, policy framework, dissemination and impact of selected codes of conduct from several countries. The study assesses gaps and challenges but also proposes examples of good practice with a view to identifying guidelines and recommendations on ethical principles in education to be followed at European level. The aim of the ETINED platform is to contribute to the development of a culture of democracy and participation, based on ethics, transparency and integrity. It defends the idea that quality education can only be achieved, and corruption effectively curbed, if all relevant sectors of society commit fully to fundamental ethical principles for public and professional, life, rather than relying exclusively upon top-down, methodical regulatory measures. Corruption must be fought through legal norms and structures, but that is not enough. It must also be considered unacceptable by all stakeholders and the public at large.

  • Códigos de conducta, Gestión educacional, Ética, Integridad, Docentes, Comportamiento de los docentes, Transparencia
  • Europa