Case studies on the role of politicisation of education in conflict-affected countries

Autor(es) : Save the Children (UK)

Organización : Save the Children (UK), UNESCO

Editor : 2010

Paginación :

16 p.

Serie : Background paper for the Education For All Global Monitoring Report 2011 , The hidden crisis: Armed conflict and education

Notas :


This report includes following chapters: Ghost schools in Pakistan; Textbook production in Pakistan; The civic education curriculum in Sri Lanka; School development committees and youth militia in Zimbabwe. Additional background resources are provided in the last part.


  • Corrupción, Escuelas fantasmas , Gestión educacional, Administración escolar, Consejos escolares, Alumnos/estudiantes, Docentes, Libros de texto y materiales didácticos, Juventud, Primary education, Secondary education
  • África, Asia y Pacífico
    Pakistán, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe