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1-8 of 8 results

  • Roll call: teacher absence in Bangladesh

    This study represents the first systematic examination of the issue of teacher absence in Bangladesh. The objectives of this study are to: (a) document and characterize the extent of teacher absence in primary and secondary schools; (b) understand...

    Chaudhury, Nazmul, Hammer, Jeffrey, Kremer, Michael, Mularidharan, Khartik, Rogers, F. Halsey


  • Newspaper

    L'ombre des mots volés 



    Alexandra Smith - The Age

    Un scandale de plagiat met en péril l'exportation de biens et de services d'enseignement en Australie, un marché de 2 milliards de dollars. Le scandale lié à un cas de plagiat impliquant 15 étudiants malais sur lequel l'université aurait fermé les yeux pourrait, en effet, ternir la réputation internationale de l'Université de Newcastle et nuire à ses relations florissantes avec l'Asie.

  • The poor speak up: 17 stories of corruption

    This book is the result of an action research project carried out by the Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia and the World Bank. It sets out to understand from the poor the ways in which corruption intersects with their lives and how it...

    Hardjono, Ratih, Teggemann, Stefanie

    Jakarta, Partnership for Governance Reform, 2003

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