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1-10 of 51 results

  • Business integrity toolkit for young entrepreneurs

    Corruption and fraud misdirect public funds away from the people they are supposed to support. The reality is that the Sustainable Development Goals, which are a broadly recognized series of targets for governments and society to achieve by 2030, are...

    UNDP, 2020

  • Newspaper

    Une corruption omniprésente dans les écoles



    Joseph Malawi - The Nation

    Un rapport de l’Union africaine révèle qu’au moins 57 % des personnes qui entrent en contact avec les établissements scolaires du Malawi versent un pot-de-vin. Ces dessous-de-table menacent les droits et le bien-être des enfants. Ainsi, l’argent demandé en sus par les enseignants pour faire leur cours ou pour des dépenses supplémentaires (repas, manuels, uniformes ou examens par exemple) peut pousser certains élèves, et notamment les plus pauvres, à rater l’école. Sans oublier l’achat de qualifications fausses ou trafiquées, qui nuisent aux résultats d’apprentissage.

  • Education sector corruption: how to assess it and ways to address it

    Education sector corruption erodes social trust, worsens inequality, and sabotages development. Types of corruption in elementary-secondary education range from academic cheating to bribery and nepotism in teaching appointments to bid-rigging in...

    Kirya, Monica

    Bergen (Norway), 4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, 2019

  • Journée anti-corruption : comment développer les capacités des pays à lutter contre la corruption dans l'éducation


    L'IIPE a formé plus de 2 200 personnes dans le domaine de la transparence, de la responsabilité et des mesures de lutte contre la corruption dans l'éducation depuis 2003. Du 4 au 6 octobre 2018, l'Institut a organisé, en collaboration avec NEPC, un nouveau cours régional sur ce thème à Tbilissi pour des équipes nationales d'Azerbaïdjan, Croatie, Estonie, Géorgie, Moldavie et Mongolie.

  • On culture and corruption

    Around the world, people talk about “corrupt cultures,” implying a predisposition for a group of people to behave in corrupt ways. Measures of corruption are in fact strongly correlated with “cultural variables” such as strong family ties, the...

    Klitgaard, Robert

    Oxford, University of Oxford. Blavatnik School of Government, 2017

  • Corruption: causes, consequences and cures

    The paper stresses the need to keep the issue of corruption squarely in view of the development agenda. It discusses the causes and consequences of corruption, especially in the context of a least-developed country with considerable regulation and...

    Myint, U.


  • Favor reciprocation theory in education: new corruption typology

    Embedded in a systemic and chronic process, corruption in education is a pervasive element that exacerbates developing countries' efforts to educate their citizens. Understanding the cumulative impact rests upon exposing key features of educational...

    Sabic-El-Rayess, Amra, Mansur, Naheed Natasha


  • Favor reciprocation theory in education: new corruption typology

    Embedded in a systemic and chronic process, corruption in education is a pervasive element that exacerbates developing countries’ efforts to educate their citizens. Understanding the cumulative impact rests upon exposing key features of educational...

    Sabic-El-Rayess, Amra; Mansur, Naheed Natasha


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