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1-10 of 17 results

  • Newspaper

    L'enseignement supérieur en Inde sous surveillance 



    Martha Ann Overland - Chronicle of Higher Education

    En 1998, le Forum for Fairness in Education, groupe de surveillance de l'éducation à Bombay, a remporté une victoire historique qui a mis fin à des pratiques occultes d'admission. La Cour a rendu obligatoire, pour tous les établissements d'enseignement supérieur et toutes les universités, la publication des résultats des examens d'entrée afin que les admissions reposent sur le mérite, et non sur les dessous-de-table.

  • Empowering the victims of corruption through social control mechanisms

    For poor people at village level, petty corruption involving a payment of as little as $10 for a free medical service can have devastating effects on their lives. What makes the situation even worse is that most of the people who are faced with...

    Langseth, Petter

    Prague, UNODCCP, 2001

  • Newspaper

    Détournement d'un fonds de bourses d'études en Afrique du Sud

    Afrique du Sud


    - Chronicle of Higher Education

    Le contrôleur général fait une enquête sur le bureau des finances du gouvernement de la province du Cap-Oriental qui reçoit, chaque année, 827.000 dollars de l'État fédéral pour alimenter un fonds de bourses d'études destiné à quelque 650 à 700 étudiants de cette province très pauvre. Certaines de ces bourses demeurent impayées depuis 1997.

  • Learning the wrong lesson in Malawi's schools

    Serious fraud relating to the issuing of contracts to build schools, involving K187 million (US $2.3 million), was reported at Malawi's Ministry of Education in 2000 by the Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly. Two cabinet ministers...

    Mawaya, Patrick

    Berlin, Transparency International , 2001

  • Corruption in the Lithuanian higher schools

    This paper examines the high incidence of corruption in Lithuanian schools. In January 2001, an article was published in a prominent Lithuanian newspaper exposing bribery at the Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education. The case received media...

    Nedzinskas, Nerijus

    Prague, Transparency International Czech Republic, IACC Council, 2001

  • Reducing corruption at the local level

    Corruption ranks, together with effective democratic representation, as the most important problem facing local governments. The challenge facing local governments is to develop innovative ways of building effective, accountable, and transparent...

    Gonzalez de Asis, Maria

    Washington, World Bank, 2000

  • The Fight against bribery and corruption

    Since 1989, the OECD has played a leading role in the battle against international bribery and corruption. The fight gathered momentum in 1999 with the entry into force of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in...


    Paris, OECD, 2000

  • Reducing corruption: lessons from Venezuela

    A recent World Bank programme in Campo Elias, Venezuela, used an innovative and effective approach to build participatory institutional frameworks and to apply best practices in public policy making. As a result, corruption has fallen and services...

    Gonzalez de Asis, Maria

    Washington, World Bank, 2000

  • Principles for managing ethics in the public service. OECD recommendation

    Increased concern about decline of confidence in government and corruption has prompted governments to review their approaches to ethical conduct. In response to this challenge, the Public Management Committee agreed to a set of Principles for...

    OECD. Public Management Service

    Paris, OECD, 2000

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