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1-10 of 23 results

  • Tools to fight corruption at your school

    The Corruption Watch schools campaign started at the beginning of the 2013 academic year. Monitoring of schools was a major focus for us in 2013 - through 2012, from our launch in January up to the beginning of the schools campaign we had received...

    Corruption Watch (South Africa)

    Johannesburg, Corruption Watch, 2013

  • Publishing government contracts: addressing concerns and easing implementation

    Government contracts regarding the use of public property and finances should be published by default. Many jurisdictions already require that contracts be made public in response to requests for the information; some now publish contracts...

    Center for Global Development (USA)

    Washington, D.C., Center for Global Development (USA), 2014

  • New ways to measure institutionalised grand corruption in public procurement

    Public procurement, one of the largest areas of public spending worldwide, gives public officials wide discretion. It is therefore unsurprising that it is also one of the government functions most often vulnerable to corruption. While there have been...

    Tóth, István János; Fazekas, Mihály

    Bergen, Chr. Michelsen Institute, 2014

  • Newspaper

    Sierra Leona: Descubiertas Irregularidades en la Adjudicación de Contratos en el Ministerio de Educación

    Sierra Leona


    Jariatu S. Bangura - AllAfrica

    Según el informe emitido por el Auditor General en 2013, el Ministerio de Educación, Ciencias y Tecnología no siguió la normativa en lo referente a la adjudicación de contratos en el año revisado, violando así la Ley de Contratación Pública Nacional de 2004.

  • Government favouritism in Europe

    This volume reunites the fieldwork of 2014-2015 in the ANTICORRP project. It is entirely based on objective indicators and offers both quantitative and qualitative assessments of the linkage between political corruption and organised crime using...

    Mungiu-Pippidi, Alina

    Opladen, Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2015

  • Newspaper

    Recomiendan a escuelas observar procedimientos de contratación

    Tanzania RU


    Ambrose Wantaigwa - Daily News

    El Director Ejecutivo del Distrito de Rorya, ha resaltado la necesidad de que varias escuelas del país adquieran algunos conocimientos sobre la reciente ley de contratación que les permita seguir detenidamente los procesos de contratación pública y prevenir la estafa de fondos públicos. El llamado fue reiterado por el DED en una reunión del consejo donde se informó que más de 100m/ - designados a Escuelas de Secundaria de Buturi habían sido estafadas y que hasta el momento no se habían hecho arrestos.

  • Integrity pacts: a how-to guide from practitioners

    The purpose of this publication is to contribute to the already existing literature on Integrity Pacts, but from a civil society perspective. This document is based on the experience of the Transparency International global network. Representatives...

    Transparency International, 2016

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