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1-4 of 4 results

  • Strategies and responses to plagiarism in Slovakia

    The rapid increase in the number of higher education institutions (HEI), students, ICT and internet penetration after 1989 and a low level of copyright and intellectual property rights awareness contributed to the growth of plagiarism at HEIs in...

    Kravjar, Július, Noge, Juraj


  • Barrier to thriving plagiarism

    Plagiarism is a phenomenon that existed in the past, exists today and will exist in the future. Slovakia with its population of 5.4 million is confronted with theses and dissertation plagiarism like other countries. The rapid growth in the number of...

    Kravjar, Julius

    Washington, D.C., EDC, 2012

  • Newspaper

    A los editores se les prohíbe copiar



    Keith Nuthall - University World News

    Un profesor alemán ha ganado un caso que sentó precedente y que impide que los editores de la Unión Europea puedan usar compendios universitarios de materiales sin derechos de autor para producir sus propias colecciones comerciales de obras. Un fallo de la Corte Europea de Justicia de Luxemburgo ha declarado que los editores no podrán vender estos libros si "transfieren una parte sustancial" de la fuente original.

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