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1-10 of 365 results

  • Cómo utilizar las encuestas para reformar el sector público

    Data that can be used to inform policy decisions are typically scarce in low-income countries, where standard policy prescriptions are less likely to apply. But if strategically designed, a survey can help induce policy change by pointing directly to...

    Reinikka, Ritva

    Washington, World Bank, 1999

  • Tackling corruption: school education and public awareness

    This paper highlights how the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the ICAC for short, tackles corruption in Hong Kong through its school education programme. This comprehensive programme contributes significantly to the increase in public...

    Chui, Catherine

    Hong Kong, ICAC, 2000

  • Corruption and the provision of health care and education services

    Government intervention to correct market failures is often accompanied by government failures and corruption. This is no more evident than in social sectors that are characterised by significant market failures and government intervention. However...

    Gupta, Sanjeev, Davoodi, Hamid, Tiongson, Erwin

    Washington D.C., IMF, 2000

  • Corruption and its impact on education: a case in Omsk

    Bribery, through money, gifts, or exchange of favors, is common in the Omsk educational system. A student is obliged to pay 15000 Rubles for the 5th grade, 10000 Rubles for the 4th grade, and 5000 Rubles for the 3rd grade entering exams. A reform of...

    Fyedorova, Marina


  • Public Expenditure Tracking Survey in Education

    Mongolia has struggled throughout its transition to maintain the levels of education and literacy that were accomplishments of the previous centrally planned system. To cope with the new economic reality, the Government of Mongolia implemented a...

    World Bank, 2001

  • Public Expenditure Tracking Survey in Education

    Within the context of poverty reduction, the government of Tanzania has identified primary education, health, rural roads, water, agriculture, lands, judiciary and HIV/AIDS as priority sectors. This has been institutionalized through the Public...

    World Bank, 2001

  • Uganda's recovery: the role of farms, firms, and government

    In this chapter, Reinikka demonstrates that increasing public access to information has reduced inefficiency and corruption in Uganda. The survey from which her conclusions are drawn shows that budget allocations matter little when institutions are...

    Reinikka, Ritva, Collier, Paul

    Washington, World Bank, 2001

  • Newspaper

    Se considera que la corrupción se está extendiendo en la educación

    Ghana, Polonia


    - Prague Conference News

    Ghana. Kazajistán. Polonia: En numerosos países los profesores tienen que recurrir al soborno para abrirse camino en los centro de formación del profesorado. Por otro lado, algunos cobran salarios por unas clases que en realidad no imparten; y cuando lo hacen, sobornan a los estudiantes a cambio de un aprobado en los exámenes. También es práctica común lo que se conoce como el "gran negocio de los libros de texto".

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