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1-3 of 3 results

  • IIPE participa en la Conferencia Anual Internacional por la Integridad (CAII) celebrada en Perú


    Por invitación de la Contraloría General de la República del Perú , el IIPE participó en la Conferencia Anual Internacional por la Integridad 2018 (CAII)* celebrada en Lima, Perú, el 6 y 7 de diciembre 2018. Este evento que se organiza anualmente, busca “crear un espacio para discutir diferentes mecanismos de vigilancia del gobierno y de los últimos avances alrededor del mundo”.

  • The Cost of corruption in higher education

    Corruption was symptomatic of business and government interactions in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union before and during the economic transition of the 1990s. Corruption is difficult to quantify, but the perception of corruption...

    Heyneman, Stephen P., Anderson, Kathryn H., Nuraliyeva, Nazym


  • Ethics in the public service. Current issues and practice

    OECD countries are concerned about declining confidence in government. This report examines how nine OECD countries namely: Australia, Finland, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States, are...


    Paris, OECD, 1996

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