1-8 of 8 results

  • Plagiarism across Europe and beyond: conference proceedings 2013

    The international conference Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond aims to be a forum for sharing best practices and experience with addressing academic integrity issues. Academic integrity is becoming more and more important topic in higher education...

    European Commission

    Brno (Czech Republic), MENDELU Publishing Centre, 2013

  • Making government anti-corruption hotlines effective

    Anti-corruption hotlines provide a key channel for governments to receive complaints from individuals who have come into contact with or been victims of corruption. Increasingly, hotlines are being valued as a channel for citizen redress and as a...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International, 2009

  • Newspaper

    El año pasado la falta de transparencia en la contratación pública fue la causa de que la República Checa perdiera 32 mil millones de coronas

    República Checa


    - Transparency International

    Según la oficina de TI en la República Checa, el total estimado de las pérdidas causadas por la ineficiencia y falta de transparencia en los procedimientos de adjudicación de contratos públicos en 2004 se elevan a 32,4 mil millones de coronas checas (más de 13,6 mil millones de dólares americanos). Las causas principales para que se produjera esta situación fueron la falta de disposición política para establecer un marco de acción verdaderamente eficiente y aplicable en la contratación pública, la influencia de representantes políticos sobre la concesión de contratos públicos y la falta de controles eficientes.

  • Anti-corruption training programmes in Central and Eastern Europe: contributions to a joint project of the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) and the Council of Europe

    The Octopus programme is a technical co-operation programme against corruption and organised crime, initiated by the Council of Europe in 1996. This publication contains a number of papers, which discuss training and education policies to strengthen...

    Michael, Bryane

    Strasbourg (France), Council of Europe Publishing, 2005

  • The Global corruption report 2005

    The 2005 Global Corruption Report focuses on corruption in construction and post-conflict reconstruction. It includes expert reports on: post-conflict reconstruction, with a detailed analysis of corruption in Iraq; the mechanisms of corruption in...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, TI, 2005

  • Anticorruption strategy for DFID

    This DFID policy paper investigates the causes and effects of corruption on the development process and proposes a holistic global strategy for combating corruption involving action in a number of area. These include: supporting poorer states...

    UK. Dept for International Development

    Bergen, Utstein Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, 2002

  • Legislative ethics: a comparative analysis

    This paper comparatively analyses legislative ethics, focusing on: the role of the legislature in combating corruption, the need for effective ethics regime; codes of conduct; ethics rules and financial disclosure requirements; enforcement and...

    National democratic institute for international affairs (USA)

    Washington, NDI, 1999

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