Pre-service teachers’ ethical role construction in China

Autor(es) : Ye, Wangbei; Wu, Pingyi; Zhanga, Miaomiao; Jia, Yushan; Zou, Jiachen

Editor : Journal of Beliefs & Values, 2021

Paginación :

15 p.

Serie : Journal of Beliefs & Values

This study examines pre-service teachers’ construction of ethical roles in teaching practice in China. This study finds that three major changes emerged in pre-service teachers’ understanding of teacher ethics after teaching practice: viewing caring as an interactive relationship between teachers and students, emphasising teachers’ sacrifice, and highlighting authority in the teacher-student relationship. This study supplements the extant literature by highlighting university and teaching schools’ roles in facilitating pre-service teachers in-depth interaction with pupils and teachers to facilitate their moral learning through fieldwork.

  • Ética, Docentes, Comportamiento de los docentes, Formación de los docentes
  • Asia y Pacífico