NORAD's good governance and anti-corruption action plan 2000-2001

Autor(es) : NORAD

Organización : Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

Editor : Oslo, NORAD, 2000

Paginación :

46 p.

Serie : NORAD reports: position

The main goal of this Action Plan is to strengthen Norwegian assistance to partner countries' efforts to prevent and curb corruption within a context of good governance. The Action Plan has three main objectives: - Intensify Norwegian assistance to good governance and the fight against corruption in our partner countries. - Increase the awareness and knowledge in the aid administration on how to prevent corruption in all of Norwegian funded development co-operation. - Establish mechanisms for systematic collection, analysis and dissemination of experiences drawn from efforts at preventing and combating corruption

  • Estrategias de lucha contra la corrupción, Planes nacionales de lucha contra la corrupción, Corrupción, Ayuda al desarrollo, Desarrollo económico y social, Gestión educacional, Gobernabilidad
  • Europa