The Global corruption report 2006
Organización : Transparency International
Editor : Berlin, TI, 2006
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The 2006 Global corruption report focuses on corruption and health. It includes expert reports on: the risks of corruption in different health care systems; the scale of the problem: from high-level corruption in Costa Rica to counterfeit medicines in Nigeria, to health care fraud in the United States; the costs of corruption in hospital administration (like the problems caused by the fraud in the procurement of medical material etc...) and the problem of informal payments for health care; the impact of corruption at various points of the pharmaceutical chain; anti-corruption challenges posed by the fight against HIV/AIDS. It also includes: a foreword by Mary Robinson; detailed assessments of the state of corruption in 45 countries; recommendations for cleaning up the health sector; examples of successes in preventing health-related bribery, fraud and corruption; the latest corruption-related research, including studies on the links between corruption and other global issues, such as pollution, gender and foreign investment.
- Rendición de cuentas, Estrategias de lucha contra la corrupción, Sociedad civil, Sector empresarial, Corrupción, Herramientas de diagnóstico / Encuestas, Desarrollo económico y social, Finanzas, Género, Gobernabilidad, Salud, Contratación, Sector público, Investigación, Transparencia
- Argelia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brasil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Camerún, China, Costa Rica, Croacia, Ecuador, Finlandia, Francia, Georgia, Grecia, Guatemala, Irlanda, Israel, Japón, Kazajstán, Kenia, Kuwait, Kirguistán, Malasia, México, Mozambique, Marruecos, Nepal, Nueva Zelandia, Nicaragua, Panamá, Perú, Polonia, Rumania, Serbia, Eslovaquia, República de Sudáfrica, España, Sri Lanka, Suiza, Uganda, Ucrania, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Nigeria