Corruption in higher education: policies and actions of accreditation and quality assurance bodies to counter

Autor(es) : Glendinning, Irene; Orim, Stella-Maris; King, Andrew

Organización : Council for Higher Education Accreditation, CHEA, CHEA International Quality Group, CIQG

Editor : Washington, D.C., Council for Higher Education Accreditation, 2019

Paginación :

78 p.

Serie : Project report

This report sets out the results from a study conducted during 2017-18 for the Council for Higher Education Accreditation / CHEA International Quality Group (CHEA/CIQG). This study builds on recommendations from the IIEP/UNESCO and CHEA/CIQG Advisory Statement prepared by Sir John Daniel (IIEP & CIQG 2016), consolidating contributions from a panel of expert witnesses. The study was designed to capture information about actions and responses of accreditation and quality assurance bodies (AQABs) for addressing different forms of corruption in higher education. The results, recommendations and conclusions in this report are based on the findings of the study.

  • Fraude académico, Trampa , Fábricas de diplomas, Factoría de trabajos académicos , Títulos falsos, Plagio, Estrategias de lucha contra la corrupción, Corrupción, Sobornos, Gestión educacional, Administración de la universidad , Gobernabilidad, Control de calidad y acreditación, Higher education
  • International