Corruption in education in Belarus

Autor(es) : Yatskevich, Olia

Editor : Prague, Transparency International Czech Republic; IACC Council, 2001

Paginación :

4 p.

This document is Olia Yatskevich's presentation at the Students' Forum "Can we educate the youth without the involvement of corruption?" at the tenth IACC. Corruption, especially bribery, is a widespread phenomenon in Belarusian universities. One must either engage in bribery or have an influential parent to be accepted into the more prestigious faculties (Law, International Relations, Medicine). Bribery is also rife during one's studies; professors may request $5-$100, gifts, or special favors (ex: translation work) in exchange for high marks on exams. The author's research indicates that private universities are less corrupt than public universities in Belarus. Factors that inhibit corruption in this context are as follows: students pay for their education; professors are afraid to lose their high-paid work; and the universities draw professors from other cultures. Perhaps private education provides a model for a solution to the problem of corruption in Belarusian universities.

  • Admisión a la escuela/universidad, Corrupción, Sobornos, Favoritismo, Desarrollo económico y social, Gestión educacional, Exámenes y diplomas, Padres, Alumnos/estudiantes, Personal universitario , Comportamiento del personal universitario , Salarios del personal universitario , Juventud, Higher education, Private education
  • Europa