Strategic appraoches to corruption prevention: a practioner's perspective based on the experience of the Republic of Korea and UNDP missions
Organisation : UNDP
Editeur : UNDP, 2020
Collection : Practioner's Note No. 1
Anti-Corruption education programs must operate more strategically in terms of content, method and utilization:
- Anti-Corruption education should be mandatory to help the public officials to grasp the importance and necessity of corruption prevention.
- Integrity educaiton should be considered a prerequisite for promotions and evaluation of employees.
- Training new employees on the important of integrity and the causes of corruption will shape the future of their organization.
- Redevabilité, Education contre la corruption, Stratégies de lutte contre la corruption, Corruption, Outils diagnostiques / Enquêtes, Diagnostic des risques de corruption, Intégrité
Asie et Pacifique
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