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1-3 of 3 results

  • Newspaper

    Une étude sur les pratiques de corruption à l'université provoque la colère



    Yojana Sharma - University World News

    Une étude récente sur les universités privées, effectuée par le chapitre Bangladais de l'agence de surveillance contre la corruption Transparence Internationale, dénonce des irrégularités financières. Elle a déclenché des débats publics enflammés, tandis que les autorités responsables réfutent ces allégations.

  • Silenced, expelled, imprisoned: repression of students and academics in Iran

    This report is based on research that Amnesty International conducted using a wide range of private and public sources. This included in-depth interviews with more than 50 individuals, both women and men, with direct knowledge of Iran's universities...

    Amnesty International

    Amnesty International Ltd, 2014

  • Monitoring report from the second round of the 2014 National Matura Exam

    Noting the significance of the State Matura Exam, and bearing in mind the numerous remarks and complaints pertaining to its conduct in the previous years and in the first round of the exam this year, Internews Kosova and BIRN monitored this process...

    Internews Kosova

    Pristina, Internews Kosova, 2014

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