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1-10 of 24 results

  • Transparency in education in Eastern Europe

    In the former communist countries, education could become the key element for combating corrupt behaviour and promoting integrity and ethics. Possible strategies include establishing clear and transparent systems of budgeting, auditing, examination...

    Pliksnys, Arunas, Kopnicka, Sylvia, Hrynevych, Lilya, Palicarsky, Constantine

    Paris, UNESCO, 2009

  • Video

    Présentation du rapport Africa Education Watch de Transparency International

    Ghana, Madagascar, Maroc, Niger, Sénégal, Sierra Léone, Ouganda


    Transparency International -

    Une enquête a été menée par Transparency International au Ghana, à Madagascar, au Maroc, au Niger, au Sénégal, en Sierra Leone et en Ouganda auprès de 8 500 parents, chefs d’établissements, responsables d'associations de parents d'élèves et responsables de l'éducation du district. Le rapport fait état d'un manque d'informations budgétaires à l'école, et appelle au renforcement des règlements financiers des écoles, à la clarification des responsabilités, à l'autonomisation des comités scolaires et à l'engagement des communautés scolaires et des parents d'élèves.

  • Anti-corruption handbook for development practitioners

    The objective of the Handbook is to provide conceptual and technical guidance to enable "development practitioners" to: Become better equipped to effectively support the anti-corruption work in development co-operation; Acquire useful tools to...

    Finland. Ministry for Foreign Affairs, FORMIN. Department for Development Policy

    Helsinki, FORMIN, 2012

  • Rwanda Public Expenditure Tracking Survey in Education (9YBE)

    Transparency International Rwanda (TI-Rw), the civil society organization leading the fight against corruption and to promote good governance, is implementing a three-year project which aims to contribute to accessible, equitable and high quality...

    Transparency International Rwanda, 2012

  • Nepal Public Expenditure Tracking Study on primary education

    The objective of this study was to conduct a public expenditure review on the education sector, especially primary education to show the level of integration of education related expenditures into the national budget in order to provide a future...

    Nepal. National Planning Commission

    Kathmandu, National Planning Commission, 2012

  • Achieving transparency in pro-poor education incentives

    What are the best ways to ensure that scholarships, conditional cash transfers, free school meals, and so on, actually reach their intended beneficiaries? This book assumes that different models of design, targeting, and management of pro-poor...

    Poisson, Muriel

    Paris, UNESCO, 2014

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