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  • Launch of the ETICO website


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  • Newspaper

    Endiguer la corruption dans les écoles



    Misbahu Bashir - The Daily Trust

    Lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture de la conférence de l’association des femmes dans les facultés d’éducation (Association of Women in Colleges of Education — WICE) sur « Le rôle de l’éducation dans la lutte contre la corruption et le chômage des jeunes au 21e siècle », le vice-recteur de la faculté d’éducation a dénoncé les pratiques de corruption dans les écoles. La solution, selon lui, passe par l’adoption des principes de transparence, d’intégrité et de responsabilité dans les transactions publiques et privées. La conférence portait

  • Building integrity in fragile contexts

    How can donors balance anti-corruption goals with the need to promote stability in fragile and conflict-affected states? What can be learned from the Performance Based Governance Fund in Afghanistan? This brief highlights the emergence of context...

    Marquette, Heather

    Birmingham (UK), University of Birmingham, International Development Department, IDD, 2012

  • Honesty, accountability and trust: fostering research integrity in Canada

    Academic research is a core driver of modern society. It plays a major role in economic competitiveness, environmental protection, and the health and safety of Canadians. The proper conduct of research is critical to its credibility, the public's...

    Council of Canadian Academies

    Ottawa, Council of Canadian Academies, 2010

  • Corruption and human rights: making the connection

    What impact does corruption have on enjoyment of human rights, including economic, social and cultural rights? When can human rights principles and tools help to curb and prevent corruption? In recent years, governments, NGOs and international...

    International Council on Human Rights Policy, Transparency International

    Geneva, ICHRP, 2009

  • Preventing corruption in humanitarian operations: a handbook of good practices

    Preventing Corruption in Humanitarian Operations: A Handbook of Good Practices is a timely, practical guide to help aid organisations deal with corruption in day-to-day operations. When people donate money to aid agencies they expect it to reach...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International, 2010

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