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1-10 of 22 results

  • Newspaper

    Leçons de corruption



    Marina Kozlova - Transition On Line

    En Ouzbékistan, beaucoup d'écoles manquent de fournitures élémentaires et les enseignats en sont réduits parfois à demander aux élèves du liquide pour arrondir leurs maigres salaires. Le journal Ouzbek Uchitel Uzbekistana rapportait, en août 2007, que même le plus expérimenté des professeurs gagne moins de 100$ par mois. En 2007, Transparency International a classé l'Ouzbékistan cinquième pays le plus bas sur son indice de corruption qui porte sur 180 nations.

  • Corruption and aid modalities

    The introduction of `new' aid modalities - and in particular general budget support - has increased the interest in the relationship between corruption and aid modalities. This U4 Issue reviews the information that theory and empirical studies...

    Fritz, Verena, Kolstad, Ivar

    Bergen, Chr. Michelsen Institute, 2008

  • Open budgets, transform lives: the Open Budget Survey 2008

    The Open Budget Survey 2008, a comprehensive evaluation of budget transparency in 85 countries, finds that the state of budget transparency around the world is deplorable. This encourages inappropriate, wasteful, and corrupt spending and-because it...

    International Budget Partnership

    Washington, D.C., International Budget Partnership, 2008

  • A Budget Guide For civil society organisations working in education

    Over the last decade, budget work, or applied budget analysis, has become increasingly recognised as an important tool for holding governments and non-state actors accountable for their policy commitments, budget allocations and expenditure...

    Perry, Victoria

    London, CEF, 2008

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