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1-10 of 15 results

  • Newspaper

    Un scandale lié aux admissions illustre que l'éthique des administrateurs décline



    Peter Schmidt - The Chronicle of Higher Education

    Un doctorant de l’Université du Michigan à Ann Arbor a mené des recherches sociologiques sur la corruption dans l'enseignement supérieur, en examinant le scandale concernant les admissions qui a éclaté dans l’Illinois en 2009. Cette université avait recours à des processus d’admission opaques, distincts, qui facilitaient l’admission de candidats proches de politiciens, de donateurs et de responsables de l’université. Sa thèse conclut que la corruption au sein de l’administration est souvent "un problème d’organisation qui exige des solutions structurelles".

  • Le Plagiat de la recherche scientifique

    Le plagiat touche toutes les disciplines scientifiques. Le plagiat fragilise la société de la connaissance. La question est d'importance au sein des communautés scientifiques de toute la planète. Son analyse interpelle les étudiants, les doctorants...

    Guglielmi , Gilles J., Koubi, Geneviève

    Paris, LGDJ, 2012

  • Honesty, accountability and trust: fostering research integrity in Canada

    Academic research is a core driver of modern society. It plays a major role in economic competitiveness, environmental protection, and the health and safety of Canadians. The proper conduct of research is critical to its credibility, the public's...

    Council of Canadian Academies

    Ottawa, Council of Canadian Academies, 2010

  • Taxonomy of corruption in higher education

    This article explores the phenomenon of corruption that has become common in higher education in developing countries around the world. The available body of literature on educational corruption does not provide sufficient insight on the nature and...

    Rumyantseva, Nataliya

    New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates , 2005

  • Student perspectives on source-code plagiarism

    Prevention and detection of plagiarism has formed the basis of much research, but student perceptions on plagiarism are arguably not well understood. This is particularly the case in the computing disciplines. This paper considers two aspects of the...

    Joy, M.S., Sinclair, J.E., Boyatt, R. , Yau, J. Y-K, Cosma, G.


  • The Four stages of addressing plagiarism

    In Finland, The National Advisory Board on Research Ethics published a document "Good scientific practice and procedures for handling misconduct and fraud in science" in 2002. All universities have agreed to follow the exact procedures defined in the...

    Moore, Erja


  • Plagiarism in academics: examining the issues, incidence and intent

    Plagiarism defies a conclusive definition. Whereas the law-makers of the land have indirectly touched upon the issue while discussing Copyright infringements, a go-to legal definition of plagiarism per se continues to elude us. As a result, legal...

    Mishra, Preeti Vivek

    National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2015

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