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1-10 of 19 results

  • Newspaper

    Une affaire de plagiat agite la direction de l'école de journalisme de Sciences Po



    Isabelle Rey-Lefebvre - Le Monde

    Accusée de copier/coller des extraits d'articles sans citer ses sources, Agnès Chauveau, directrice exécutive de l'école de journalisme, a été mise provisoirement en congé.

  • Newspaper

    Université : une pétition pour arrêter de «fermer les yeux» sur le plagiat



    Quentin Blanc - Figaro

    Dénonçant la réticence des universités à lutter contre le plagiat, des enseignants et chercheurs français ont lancé une pétition. Selon eux, il est urgent d'agir pour protéger «la légitimité des diplômes».

  • Ecoles corrompues, universités corrompues: que faire?

    Rigged calls for tender, embezzlement of funds, illegal registration fees, academic fraud - there is no lack of empirical data illustrating the diverse forms that corruption can take in the education sector. Surveys suggest that fund leakage from...

    Hallak, Jacques, Poisson, Muriel

    Paris, UNESCO, 2007

  • Escolas corruptas, universidades corruptas: o que fazer? Resumo executivo

    Este livro apresenta as conclusões da pesquisa conduzida pelo IIPE no campo da ética e da corrupção em educação. Tem como base todas as atividades realizadas com marco de referência incluindo uma oficina preparatória, visitas de estudo, seminário...

    Hallak, Jacques, Poisson, Muriel

    Brasilia, UNESCO, 2007

  • Combating academic fraud: Towards a culture of integrity

    This book documents the importance and extent of academic fraud. It identifies major varieties of academic fraud such as cheating in high stakes examinations, plagiarism, credentials fraud, and misconduct in reform policies. Examples of measures to...

    Eckstein, Max A.

    Paris, UNESCO, 2003

  • Addressing plagiarism

    The issue of plagiarism has become a hot topic in higher education in recent years. There is much generic advice available about deterring and dealing with plagiarism. There are also many studies relevant to international students. Dealing with...

    Higher Education Academy (UK)

    Heslington (UK), HEA, 2014

  • The Four stages of addressing plagiarism

    In Finland, The National Advisory Board on Research Ethics published a document "Good scientific practice and procedures for handling misconduct and fraud in science" in 2002. All universities have agreed to follow the exact procedures defined in the...

    Moore, Erja


  • OECD Reviews of integrity in education: Ukraine 2017

    Education in Ukraine is marked by integrity violations from early childhood education and care through postgraduate study. In the past decade policy makers and civic organisations have made progress in addressing these challenges. However, much...



  • Plagiarism policies in Slovakia: full report

    This report is part of the program “Impact of Plagiarism in Higher Education Across Europe (IPPHEAE)” funded by the European Union’s Lifelong Learning Programme. In this report, the author starts with the background information of higher education in...

    Foltynek, Dr. Tomas


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