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1-10 of 23 results

  • Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS) in Uganda

    This study led in Uganda revealed that only 13 percent of public non-wage education spending reached the schools in 1991, and only 22 percent in 1995. These dismal findings stimulated the central government to begin publishing information on monetary...

    World Bank

    World Bank, 1995

  • Public Expenditure Tracking Survey in Education

    Within the context of poverty reduction, the government of Tanzania has identified primary education, health, rural roads, water, agriculture, lands, judiciary and HIV/AIDS as priority sectors. This has been institutionalized through the Public...

    World Bank, 2001

  • Uganda's recovery: the role of farms, firms, and government

    In this chapter, Reinikka demonstrates that increasing public access to information has reduced inefficiency and corruption in Uganda. The survey from which her conclusions are drawn shows that budget allocations matter little when institutions are...

    Reinikka, Ritva, Collier, Paul

    Washington, World Bank, 2001

  • Explaining leakage of public funds

    Using panel data from a unique survey of public primary schools in Uganda, Reinikka and Svensson assess the degree of leakage of public funds in education. The survey data reveal that on average, during the period 1991-95, schools received only 13...

    Reinikka, Ritva, Svensson, Jakob

    Washington, World Bank, 2001

  • Public expenditure tracking surveys in education

    Public expenditure tracking surveys (PETS) allow policy makers to diagnose how incentives and accountability systems are working in practice and how they can be improved. Among the results provided by PETS are estimates of leakage, data on the...

    Reinikka, Ritva, Smith, Nathanael

    Paris, UNESCO, 2004

  • Ethics and corruption in education: an overview

    Recent surveys suggest that leakage of funds from ministries of education to schools represent more than 80 per cent of the total sums allocated for non salary expenditures in some countries; bribes and payoffs in teacher recruitment and promotion...

    Hallak, Jacques, Poisson, Muriel


  • Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys: lessons from Tanzania

    Whereas the successful application of PETS in Uganda has received and continues to receive a lot of attention, less has been written about the experiences of PETS elsewhere. The Tanzanian experience clearly shows that PETS is not a silver bullet as...

    Sundet, Geir


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