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1-10 of 20 results

  • Teacher absence in India: a snapshot

    25% of teachers were absent from school, and only about half were teaching, during unannounced visits to a nationally representative sample of government primary schools in India. Absence rates varied from 15% in Maharashtra to 42% in Jharkhand, with...

    Chaudhury, Nazmul, Hammer, Jeffrey, Rogers, F. Halsey, Kremer, Michael, Mularidharan, Khartik


  • Decentralisation and corruption: a review of the literature

    This literature review provides a quantitative and qualitative assessment of existing, mostly published academic work on decentralisation and related problems of corruption. It covers mainly research within social anthropology, economics, law, and...

    Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge

    Bergen, Chr. Michelsen Institute, 2004

  • The Global corruption report 2004

    The Global Corruption Report provides an overview of the state of corruption around the world in 2004. It covers national and international developments, institutional and legal changes and activities within both the private sector and civil society...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International , 2004

  • Anticorruption at the crossroads

    NGOs, development organizations, and governments alike now universally refer to corruption - no longer a taboo subject - as a developmental problem. As the awareness-raising phase of the 1990s subsides, the focus is shifting to implementation of...

    Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (Hungary)

    Budapest, LGI/OSI Budapest, 2004

  • Corruption in Kosovo: observations and implications for USAID

    As in all countries, corruption exists in Kosovo today. But, despite public opinion and discussions in the mass media that presume very high levels of public corruption, it does not appear to be a pervasive force in the governance process and does...

    Spector, Bertram I., Winbourne, Svetlana, Beck, Laurence D.

    Washington, MSI, 2003

  • Newspaper

    Des fonctionnaires du ministère de l'Éducation du Gauteng limogés 

    Afrique du Sud


    - SABC News

    Le ministère de l'Éducation du Gauteng a limogé cinq fonctionnaires accusés de vol, fraude et corruption. Un haut responsable du ministère, soupçonné de violation des procédures d'appel d'offres et de passation de marchés et de mauvaise gestion financière, a été congédié. Le ministère a suspendu trois autres fonctionnaires au début de l'année, après avoir été alerté de leurs pratiques illégales présumées dans l'attribution de marchés, de leur mauvaise gestion et du non-respect des politiques de passation de marché.

  • Newspaper

    Un employé arrêté pour escroquerie à l'encontre du ministère de l'Éducation 

    Afrique du Sud


    Thozi Ka Manyisana - All Africa

    Un employé de 31 ans travaillant au ministère de l'Éducation de la province du Cap-Oriental a été arrêté par la Section anti-corruption pour une escroquerie présumée de plus de 37.000 rands à l'encontre du ministère. Il déposait en effet sur un compte bancaire le salaire mensuel d'un enseignant à la retraite. Le directeur de la communication a déclaré que cette suspension témoignait de la volonté du ministère d'éliminer toute forme de corruption et d'assainir l'administration.

  • Combating academic fraud: Towards a culture of integrity

    This book documents the importance and extent of academic fraud. It identifies major varieties of academic fraud such as cheating in high stakes examinations, plagiarism, credentials fraud, and misconduct in reform policies. Examples of measures to...

    Eckstein, Max A.

    Paris, UNESCO, 2003

  • Corruption and the education sector

    This paper discusses reasons why national education systems are particularly vulnerable to pervasive corruption, forms that corruption takes within the education sector, and interventions that have been suggested for reducing corruption. It argues...

    Chapman, David

    Washington D.C., MSI, 2002

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