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1-10 of 133 results

  • The integrity of public examinations in developing countries

    In this chapter, Greaney and Kellaghan examine the extent to which procedures to standardise the conditions under which examinations are prepared, administered and scored are observed or violated. They show that the range of individuals involved in...

    Greany, Vincent, Kellaghan, Thomas

    New York (USA), Wiley, 1996

  • Combating academic fraud: Towards a culture of integrity

    This book documents the importance and extent of academic fraud. It identifies major varieties of academic fraud such as cheating in high stakes examinations, plagiarism, credentials fraud, and misconduct in reform policies. Examples of measures to...

    Eckstein, Max A.

    Paris, UNESCO, 2003

  • Handling student plagiarism: moving to mainstream

    Oxford Brookes was the first institution in the UK to develop and implement a system of specialist officers to deal with students who did not comply with University regulations concerning academic conduct. The role of Academic Conduct Officers or...

    Carroll, Jude


  • Promoting academic integrity in higher education

    The purpose of the study is to identify best practice initiatives that contribute to academic integrity and reduce scholastic dishonesty in higher education. Chief academic affairs officers (CAOs) or provosts at four year public and private colleges...

    Boehm, Pamela J., Justice, Madeline, Weeks, Sandy


  • Newspaper

    L'intégrité universitaire : un concept inconnu des étudiants



    - The Omega

    Souvent, les étudiants venus d'ailleurs ont du mal à comprendre ce qu'ils ont ou non le droit de faire – c'est une question de culture. Si le concept de plagiat semble à leur portée, ils ont plus de mal à comprendre celui de triche.

  • Student perception on corruption in the Armenian higher education system

    The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Office in Yerevan invited the European Students' Union (ESU) to conduct an assessment of student democracy in Armenia on the occasion of a study visit in 2008. As a result of this study...

    Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

    Yerevan, OSCE, 2010

  • Honesty, accountability and trust: fostering research integrity in Canada

    Academic research is a core driver of modern society. It plays a major role in economic competitiveness, environmental protection, and the health and safety of Canadians. The proper conduct of research is critical to its credibility, the public's...

    Council of Canadian Academies

    Ottawa, Council of Canadian Academies, 2010

  • Newspaper

    Combattre le plagiat sans peur



    Scott Jaschik - Inside Higher Ed

    Est-ce que le plagiat des étudiants peut être réduit ? Et est-ce qu'il pourrait être réduit non par peur d'être pris, mais... par l'éducation ? Une étude publiée en janvier suggère que la réponse à ces deux questions est "oui" – ce qui pourrait constituer une bonne nouvelle pour les professeurs qui se plaignent constamment d'étudiants qui soit ne savent pas ce qu'est que le plagiat, ou suivent les règles sur l'intégrité des évaluations.

  • Plagiarism across Europe and beyond: conference proceedings 2013

    The international conference Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond aims to be a forum for sharing best practices and experience with addressing academic integrity issues. Academic integrity is becoming more and more important topic in higher education...

    European Commission

    Brno (Czech Republic), MENDELU Publishing Centre, 2013

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