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1-4 of 4 results

  • Newspaper

    Colère à propos d’une mauvaise gestion du financement de la recherche de l'UE



    Jan Petter Myklebust - University World News

    Les responsables de la Commission européenne devraient s'entretenir avec des représentants gouvernementaux en Bulgarie au sujet de la mauvaise gestion présumée de fonds du programme opérationnel Science et éducation pour une Croissance intelligente dans le budget de l'Union européenne. La Bulgarie a reçu un financement pour 116 accords d'un montant total de 324 millions de BGN (165 millions d'euros ou 174 millions de dollars), dont huit auraient été jugés mal gérés, pour un budget total de 180 millions de BGN (92 millions d'euros ou 97 millions de dollars).

  • First aid kit for higher education: a know how guide for student research

    First Aid Kit for Higher Education - A Know How Guide for Student Research is a guide for student organizations, NGOs, student activists and everyone else who is interested in the problems of higher education and who seek different methods for...

    Anti-Corruption Student Network in South East Europe

    Skopje, ACSN, 2011

  • The Cost of corruption in higher education

    Corruption was symptomatic of business and government interactions in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union before and during the economic transition of the 1990s. Corruption is difficult to quantify, but the perception of corruption...

    Heyneman, Stephen P., Anderson, Kathryn H., Nuraliyeva, Nazym


  • Clean future: anti-corruption action plan for Bulgaria

    This anti-corruption action plan has been developed within the framework of the Coalition 2000 process with the purpose of becoming part of the social agenda, as a broadly approved system of measures and actions for curbing the extremely dangerous...

    Coalition 2000 (Bulgaria)

    Sofia, Coalition 2000, 1998

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