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1-10 of 29 results

  • Corruption et éducation

    The booklet deals with the issue of corruption in the education sector. It defines corruption in its various manifestation and magnitude. It refers to a number of factors, particularly the international conventions, various research works and various...

    Poisson, Muriel

    Paris, UNESCO, 2010

  • Corruption and human rights: making the connection

    What impact does corruption have on enjoyment of human rights, including economic, social and cultural rights? When can human rights principles and tools help to curb and prevent corruption? In recent years, governments, NGOs and international...

    International Council on Human Rights Policy, Transparency International

    Geneva, ICHRP, 2009

  • Newspaper

    Formation pour l'intégrité académique



    Stuart Heiser - University World News

    Ce fut le deuxième Sommet mondial des dirigeants stratégiques, organisé par le Conseil des universités de troisième cycle (CGS). La réunion de l'an dernier à Banff, au Canada, a abouti à l'élaboration des "principes de Banff" pour guider, dans les grandes lignes, la collaboration internationale dans le troisième cycle ; le sommet de cette année s'est intéressé aux « meilleurs pratiques pour promouvoir l'intégrité académique. Les dirigeants de l'enseignement supérieur sont d'accord sur les problèmes et les actions qui doivent mener au renforcement de l'intégrité académique dans un contexte de mondialisation croissante de l'éducation supérieure et de la recherch, et ont discuté des « meilleurs pratiques » pour promouvoir l'intégrité académique.

  • Catalogue of promising practices in the field of integrity, anti-corruption and administrative measures against organized crime in the EU

    EU catalogue contains 27 promising and inspirational practices relating to integrity, anti-corruption activities and administrative measures against organized crime. The catalogue presents a wide range of tools that can be employed to safe guard...

    Netherlands. Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

    The Hague, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Public Service Labour Affairs Department, 2008

  • Poverty and corruption

    The year 2007 marked a milestone in the fight against poverty and corruption. It represented the midway point on the road to meeting the Millennium veloppment velopment Goals (MDGs), the ambitious global pledge to end extreme poverty by 2015. It also...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International, 2008

  • Fighting corruption in transition economies

    These reports are a review six countries' legal and institutional framework for fighting corruption, in accordance with the framework provided by the Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Economies, based at the OECD. The review examines: national...


    Paris, OECD, 2007

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