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1-10 of 33 results

  • Governance indicators, aid allocation, and the millennium challenge account

    There is widespread consensus that development assistance works best when it is targeted towards countries with relatively sound and/or improving policies and institutions. Recognizing this, bilateral and multilateral donors are increasingly trying...

    Kaufmann, Daniel, Kraay, Aart

    Washington, World Bank, 2002

  • Newspaper

    L'art de combattre le faux 


    Katherine S. Mangan - Chronicle of Higher Education

    En Chine, aux États-Unis, en Grande-Bretagne, aux Pays-Bas et en Suède, les autorités de l'enseignement supérieur ont tiré la sonnette d'alarme face à l'augmentation des tentatives de fraude

  • The Global programme against corruption: anti-corruption toolkit

    The technical cooperation activities facilitated by the Crime Programme under the framework of the Global Programme against Corruption (GPAC) are supported by a modular approach that draws from a broad set of anti-corruption policies and measures, or...

    New York, United Nations, 2002

  • Corruption in higher education

    This paper analyzes various types of corruption in higher education as well as its reasons and consequences in a group of middle, and low-income countries, including societies in transition. It also introduces some preliminary ideas on how to prevent...

    Rumyantseva, Nataliya

    Tennessee, Vanderbilt University, 2002

  • The Global corruption report 2001

    The 2001 Global corruption report concentrates on events in the period July 2000 to June 2001. It is based on Transparency International's definition of corruption as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. This includes both public and...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International (TI), 2001

  • Value added of partnership in the fight against corruption

    The paper promotes an anti-corruption strategy that rests on economic development, democratic reform, strong civil society and the presence of rule of law. Based on these principles, the authors recommend concrete measures to be implemented at the...

    Langseth, Petter

    Vienna, UNODCCP, 2001

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