1-10 of 14 results

  • Southeast Asia: an overview

    This article provides an overview of anti-corruption efforts in countries from Southeast Asia. Areas covered include: the influence of the economy, the nature and impact of the private sector; civil society, national effort to combat corruption as...

    Bolongaita, Emil

    Berlin, Transparency International, 2003

  • Controlling corruption in Asia and the Pacific

    The ADB/OECD Initiative's fourth regional anti-corruption conference aimed to review and discuss progress made by endorsing countries in implementing the Action Plan for Asia and the Pacific and to enhance capacity in a number of areas which have...

    Manila, ADB, 2004

  • The Global corruption report 2006

    The 2006 Global corruption report focuses on corruption and health. It includes expert reports on: the risks of corruption in different health care systems; the scale of the problem: from high-level corruption in Costa Rica to counterfeit medicines...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, TI, 2006

  • Curbing corruption in public procurement in Asia and the Pacific

    Corruption in public procurement has become a major issue in the Asia-Pacific region as elsewhere in the world. As a result of corruption, private mansions are being built instead of bridges; swimming pools are dug instead of irrigation systems...

    Asian Development Bank, OECD

    Manila, ADB, 2007

  • L'IIPE apporte son expertise à la 16ème IACC


    De concert avec les chefs d'Etat, les organisations internationales, la société civile et le secteur privé, l'IIPE prendra part à la 16ème Conférence internationale anti-corruption, du 2 au 4 septembre en Malaisie.

  • Handbook of academic integrity

    The book brings together diverse views from around the world and provides a comprehensive overview of the subject, beginning with different definitions of academic integrity through how to create the ethical academy. At the same time, the Handbook...

    Bretag, Tracey

    Singapore, Springer Singapore, 2016

  • Newspaper

    Le ministère et l’université Malaya vont enquêter sur des allégations de fraude



    - Malaysiakini

    Le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et l’université Malaya (UM) vont lancer des enquêtes autour d’allégations de fraudes dans la recherche impliquant un groupe de chercheurs de la faculté de médecine. Ces affaires ont inondé les réseaux sociaux depuis une semaine, avant d’être reprises par la presse classique. Le ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur a affirmé qu’il étudierait personnellement ce dossier. L’université a mis sur pied une commission d’enquête ad hoc.

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