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21-30 of 84 results

  • Newspaper

    Professionnel contre éthique dans le recrutement étudiant


    Matthew Ulmer - University World News

    L'Association nationale de conseil à l'admission dans les universités (NACAC) aux Etats-Unis a pour but de promouvoir des principes de bonne conduite auprès des professionnels chargés du recrutement des étudiants. Dans ce but, et dans la mesure où de plus en plus de leurs membres ont recours aux services de recruteurs d'étudiants internationaux, l'Association envisage la révision et la mise à jour de sa Déclaration sur les principes de bonne conduite quant à l'usage des agents.

  • Corruption et éducation

    The booklet deals with the issue of corruption in the education sector. It defines corruption in its various manifestation and magnitude. It refers to a number of factors, particularly the international conventions, various research works and various...

    Poisson, Muriel

    Paris, UNESCO, 2010

  • Governance in education: raising performance

    The impacts of education investments in developing and transition countries are typically measured by inputs and outputs. Missing from the education agenda are measures of performance that reflect whether education systems are meeting their...

    Lewis, Maureen, Pettersson, Gunilla Gelander

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2009

  • Measuring change and results in voice and accountability work

    Citizens' capacity to express and exercise their views is a vital part of poverty reduction. States that can be held accountable for their actions are more likely to respond to the different needs and demands of the public. Citizen voice and...

    Holland, Jeremy, Thirkell, Allyson, Trepanier, Emmanuel, Earle, Lucy

    London, DFID, 2009

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