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1-10 of 88 results

  • Launch of the ETICO website


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  • Uganda's recovery: the role of farms, firms, and government

    In this chapter, Reinikka demonstrates that increasing public access to information has reduced inefficiency and corruption in Uganda. The survey from which her conclusions are drawn shows that budget allocations matter little when institutions are...

    Reinikka, Ritva, Collier, Paul

    Washington, World Bank, 2001

  • The Causes of corruption: a cross-national study

    Why is corruption - defined here as the misuse of public office for private gain - perceived to be more widespread in some countries than others? Different theories associate cross-national variation in the extent of corruption with particular...

    Treisman, Daniel


  • Corruption, public investment, and growth

    Corruption, particularly political or "grand corruption", distorts the entire decision-making process connected with public investment projects. The degree of distorsions is higher with weaker auditing institutions. The evidence presented shows that...

    Tanzi, Vito, Davoodi, Hamid

    Washington, IMF, 1997

  • Reducing corruption at the local level

    Corruption ranks, together with effective democratic representation, as the most important problem facing local governments. The challenge facing local governments is to develop innovative ways of building effective, accountable, and transparent...

    Gonzalez de Asis, Maria

    Washington, World Bank, 2000

  • New frontiers in diagnosing and combating corruption

    Corruption is problematic when policies encourage it and institutional controls are weak. Diagnosing corruption, and understanding its causes and consequences, allows countries to overcome their policy and institutional weaknesses and implement...

    Kaufmann, Daniel, Pradhan, Sanjay, Ryterman, Randi

    Washington, World Bank, 1998

  • Towards more operationally relevant indicators of governance

    Increasing awareness of the importance of governance has been accompanied by an increase in the number of commercial firms and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) producing broad indicators of the quality of governance and public institutions. First...

    Knack, Stephen, Manning, Nick

    Washington, World Bank, 2000

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