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2441-2448 of 2448 results

  • Ethique et déontologie dans les métiers de l'éducation

    Destiné plus particulièrement aux enseignants, aux conseillers d'éducation, aux chefs d'établissement et aux inspecteurs, ce second numéro des "Cahiers d'Education & Devenir", intitulé "Éthique et déontologie dans les métiers de l'éducation", a pour...

    Marseille (France), Education & Devenir, 2003

  • Misconduct in Education

    The article categorize corruptions in education in different practices and explain why and how it is important for a nation to be free of education corruption. Corruptions would be serious no matter what sector they occurred in. But the fact that...

    Heyneman, Stephen P.

    New York, Macmillan, 2003

  • Corruption and abuse of power in educational administration

    Corruption and abuse of power in educational administration in K12 and higher education institutions are important, though neglected, research topics. As such, they might rightfully be termed our profession's "dirty little secrets. This article...

    Waite, Dundan, Allen, David


  • Corruption and abuse of power in educational administration

    Corruption and abuse of power in educational administration in K–12 and higher education institutions are important, though neglected, research topics. As such, they might rightfully be termed our profession's “dirty little secrets.” This article...

    Waine, Duncan, Allen, David


  • Quantitative Service Delivery Survey in Education

    The goal of this study is to quantify on a nationally representative scale the extent of teacher absenteeism in Bangladesh. Unannounced visits were made to government run primary schools and government-aided but privately run secondary schools to...

    World Bank, 2003

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