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1-10 of 56 results

  • Fraud and education: the worm in the apple

    Dishonesty and chicanery are nothing new to education. What is new, perhaps, are the ways in which these imperfections permeate education credentialing and how they have flourished with the invention of new technologies and changes in consumer...

    Noah, Harold J., Eckstein, Max A.

    Lanham (Md.), Rowman & Littlefield, 2001

  • On the economics of plagiarism

    Cheating and plagiarism can involve the transgression of intellectual property rights across many areas of life. When a direct financial benefit from such practices is identifiable, the opportunity to seek legal redress is available via civil court...

    Collins, Alan, Judge, Guy, Rickman, Neil


  • Le Plagiat de la recherche scientifique

    Le plagiat touche toutes les disciplines scientifiques. Le plagiat fragilise la société de la connaissance. La question est d'importance au sein des communautés scientifiques de toute la planète. Son analyse interpelle les étudiants, les doctorants...

    Guglielmi , Gilles J., Koubi, Geneviève

    Paris, LGDJ, 2012

  • Toward effective practice: discouraging degree mills in higher education

    Degree mills are and will continue to be a significant international problem for students, employers, the public, legitimate providers of higher education and accreditation/quality assurance and national governments. The suggestions offered here are...

    Council for Higher Education Accreditation (USA)

    Washington, D.C., CHEA, 2009

  • Plagiarism across Europe and beyond: conference proceedings 2013

    The international conference Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond aims to be a forum for sharing best practices and experience with addressing academic integrity issues. Academic integrity is becoming more and more important topic in higher education...

    European Commission

    Brno (Czech Republic), MENDELU Publishing Centre, 2013

  • Standardized testing + high stakes decisions = educational inequity

    Changes in assessment policy have increased standardized testing at provincial, national, and international levels, introduced testing at more grade levels, increased the reporting of test results, and attached more significance to those results...

    Froese-German, Bernie


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