1-10 of 12 results

  • Government favouritism in Europe

    This volume reunites the fieldwork of 2014-2015 in the ANTICORRP project. It is entirely based on objective indicators and offers both quantitative and qualitative assessments of the linkage between political corruption and organised crime using...

    Mungiu-Pippidi, Alina

    Opladen, Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2015

  • Higher education under threat in Hungary (11 February 2013)

    The drastic higher education reforms the Hungarian government has introduced in the last months of 2012 have sparked nationwide protests. But while the government continues to implement contradictory reform, resistance from below is gaining ground.

    Füzessi, Karoly


  • Newspaper

    Une période de mise à l'épreuve



    Judit Szakacs - Transitions Online

    Le nouveau système d'examen qui vient d'être introduit pour les étudiants en fin d'études secondaires est au cœur d'un scandale de corruption autour de la « fuite » des sujets. Cette année, les épreuves sont particulièrement importantes, car elles servent aussi de billet d'entrée à l'université. Les sujets de trois des cinq épreuves à passer ont commencé à circuler la veille du premier examen. Bien qu'il soit impossible de savoir combien d'étudiants, sur les 87.500 candidats, ont eu illégalement connaissance des sujets à l'avance, il y a de fortes chances qu'ils représentent la majorité.

  • The World Bank and Anticorruption in Europe and Central Asia

    In Europe and Central Asia, the radical shift in economic and political systems that occurred in most countries after 1990 made existing forms of corruption more visible and opened opportunities for new forms of corrupt practices. Fostering...

    Anderson, James, Photos, Ilene

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2003

  • Hidden challenges to education systems in transition economies

    This book outlines the strategy of the World Bank to guide its work with Europe and Central Asia (ECA) clients in education. In the early stages of the transition, it was felt that education could be safely ignored, because the region faced...

    Berryman, Sue E.

    Washington, World Bank, 2000

  • Integrated versus quantitative methods: lessons learned

    The key to reduced poverty is an integrated approach to development, addressing quality growth, environment, education, health and governance. This paper argues that government, as the key determinant of a county's domestic and international...

    Langseth, Petter

    Vienna, UNODCCP, 2000

  • Fighting corruption through education

    This paper was developed with the aim of assisting the Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute (COLPI) in identifying and formulating a new programme line in anti-corruption measures that include a public awareness and/or an educational component...

    Keen, Ellie

    Budapest, Open Society Institute, 2000

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