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1-10 of 61 results

  • Newspaper

    Que signifient pour l’Afrique du Sud les mesures proposées contre les qualifications frauduleuses?

    Afrique du Sud


    - The Skills Portal

    Le projet gouvernemental d’élaborer une politique pour cibler les qualifications frauduleuses devrait obtenir des résultats positifs pour l’Afrique du Sud, y compris garantir que les institutions supérieures ne perdent pas la considération que nombre d’entre elles ont gagnée depuis des décennies. Un des bénéfices majeurs serait que la vérification des CV serait standardisée dans le secteur privé et public, ce qui garantirait leur fiabilité et empêcherait la fraude.

  • Government favouritism in Europe

    This volume reunites the fieldwork of 2014-2015 in the ANTICORRP project. It is entirely based on objective indicators and offers both quantitative and qualitative assessments of the linkage between political corruption and organised crime using...

    Mungiu-Pippidi, Alina

    Opladen, Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2015

  • Corruption in Vietnamese higher education

    More than two decades have passed since Vietnam began the transition to a market economy. The policy of Doi Moi, generally translated as economic renovation, has fostered major changes in social and economic institutions and highly improved...

    Mc Cornac, Dennis C.


  • Drivers of corruption: a brief review

    This publication provides an overview of arguments explaining the risk of corruption. Corrupt acts are subject to decision making authority and assets available for grabbing. These assets can be stolen, created by artificial shortage, or become...

    Søreide, Tina

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2014

  • Impact of community monitoring on corruption

    There are many methodological challenges involved in assessing the impact of anti-corruption community-led monitoring initiatives, in terms of measurement methodologies, attribution, as well as scope and focus of impact tracking studies. In spite of...

    U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre

    Bergen, U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, 2012

  • Making schools work: new evidence on accountability reforms

    This book is about the threats to education quality that cannot be explained by lack of resources. It reviews service delivery failures in education: cases where programs and policies increase inputs to education but do not produce effective services...

    Bruns, Barbara, Filmer, Deon, Patrinos, Harry Anthony

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2011

  • West Bank and Gaza: improving governance and reducing corruption

    In the past decade, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has worked to strengthen economic governance and combat corruption, both essential to sustained economic growth and improved delivery of public services. This report finds the PA has made significant...

    World Bank

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2011

  • OECD Recommendation on Enhancing integrity in public procurement

    The OECD Council approved the Principles for Enhancing Integrity in Public Procurement in the form of an OECD Recommendation on 16 October, 2008 with the OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria emphasising the importance of the Recommendation. The...


    Paris, OECD, 2008

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