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1-10 of 58 results

  • Newspaper

    Asie centrale: acheter l'ignorance – Kyrgyz, Kazakhs mènent la réforme de l'éducation

    Kazakhstan, Kirghizistan


    Antoine Blua - RFE-RL

    Kazakhstan et Kyrghyzstan : Les étudiants sont admis aux universités grâce aux pots de vin. Les réformes se poursuivent.

  • Newspaper

    Chine: Mise en examen d'enseignants à cause de la tricherie aux examens



    - The Associated Press

    La corruption est répandue ; la tricherie aux examens augmente, avec à des technologies comme le téléphone portable.

  • Teacher absence in India: a snapshot

    25% of teachers were absent from school, and only about half were teaching, during unannounced visits to a nationally representative sample of government primary schools in India. Absence rates varied from 15% in Maharashtra to 42% in Jharkhand, with...

    Chaudhury, Nazmul, Hammer, Jeffrey, Rogers, F. Halsey, Kremer, Michael, Mularidharan, Khartik


  • Newspaper

    Des campagnes contre la corruption et la mauvaise gestion font des best-sellers



    - China Daily

    Les campagnes contre corruption et mauvaise gestion font la une des médias chinois ; véritables best-sellers, les ouvrages sur le thème sont adaptés et diffusés aux heures de grande écoute sur la principale chaîne de télévision

  • Newspaper

    Des écoles prélèvent des millions en frais illégaux



    Josephine Ma - South China Morning Post

    L'inspection de plus de 100 000 écoles révèle que les élèves ont payé l'an dernier 853 millions de yuan de droits de scolarité illégaux, déclare le ministre de l'Éducation. Bilan : 2 448 personnes, dont 395 chefs d'établissement, licenciées ou sanctionnées ; environ 639 millions de yuan restitués aux parents. Le gouvernement lance une campagne d'assainissement

  • Challenging corruption in Asia: case studies and a framework for action

    Combating corruption is now high on the policy agenda across Asia. However, many policymakers are handicapped by the lack of useful analytical tools. Why do some policies and programs work in some countries, and fail in others? What accounts for...

    Bolongaita, Emil, Bhargava, Vinay K.

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2004

  • Formula funding of schools, decentralization and corruption

    This book looks at the relationships between decentralization of funding for schools and the prevalence of corruption, a crucial concern for education policymakers today. The monograph is based on the assumption that formula funding acts to reduce...

    Levacic, Rosalind, Downes, Peter, Caldwell, Brian, Gurr, David, Spinks, Jim, Herczynski, Jan, Luce, Maria-Beatriz, Farenzena, Nalú

    Paris, UNESCO, 2004

  • Controlling corruption in Asia and the Pacific

    The ADB/OECD Initiative's fourth regional anti-corruption conference aimed to review and discuss progress made by endorsing countries in implementing the Action Plan for Asia and the Pacific and to enhance capacity in a number of areas which have...

    Manila, ADB, 2004

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