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1-5 of 5 results

  • Newspaper

    Des écoles fantômes bénéficiant de fonds publics ont été découvertes au Nigéria chools’ surface in Nigeria, enjoy federal government money



    Aanu Adegun - Legit

    Le Comité de dénombrement du programme alimentaire national du gouvernement fédéral du Nigeria a identifié 349 écoles fantômes dans l'État de Nasarawa. Le comité a ainsi découvert que certains fonctionnaires détournaient l'argent destiné aux repas scolaires. Deux fonctionnaires ont été suspendus et remplacés, mais les appels à exclure l'État de Nasarawa du programme n’ont pas été suivis afin d'éviter de léser les enfants pauvres qui bénéficient du programme.

  • Human rights and corruption

    Corruption is the cause and core of many human rights violations. Among countries, there is a generalised trend of systemic corruption coexisting with an institutionalised failure to respect human rights. The three countries where perceived...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International, 2008

  • Mainstreaming poverty reducation

    The theme of the 2002 CGI mid-year review was "progress on reducing poverty". The agenda was an array of issues that require attention in order to reduce poverty substantially in Indonesia. At the CGI November 2001, a summary document recorded an...

    World Bank.Working Group on Poverty Reducation (USA)

    Jakarta, World Bank, 2002

  • Survey on corruption in Bangladesh

    This project consists of the first systematic opinion survey of local-level corruption led in Bangladesh, which identified the nature and extent of public concern in seven sectors, including law enforcement, the justice system, education, land...

    Transparency International (Bangladesh)

    Bangladesh, TI, 1997

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