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1-6 of 6 results

  • Roll call: teacher absence in Bangladesh

    This study represents the first systematic examination of the issue of teacher absence in Bangladesh. The objectives of this study are to: (a) document and characterize the extent of teacher absence in primary and secondary schools; (b) understand...

    Chaudhury, Nazmul, Hammer, Jeffrey, Kremer, Michael, Mularidharan, Khartik, Rogers, F. Halsey


  • Newspaper

    Les pots-de-vin, obstacle à l'éducation au Bangladesh 



    Sharier Khan - OneWorld

    Lourdeurs administratives et corruption sont responsables de la paralysie de 54 programmes éducatifs au Bangladesh, contraignant le gouvernement à arrêter un ambitieux programme d'alphabétisation pour tous (Total Literacy Movement, TLM), d'un montant de 150 millions de dollars des États-Unis, qui visait à atteindre un taux d'alphabétisme de 100 % à l'horizon 2005.

  • Quantitative Service Delivery Survey in Education

    The goal of this study is to quantify on a nationally representative scale the extent of teacher absenteeism in Bangladesh. Unannounced visits were made to government run primary schools and government-aided but privately run secondary schools to...

    World Bank, 2003

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